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闫云飞,工学博士,教授,博士生导师。主要从事催化燃烧、微能源动力系统、传热传质、多相流动与环境保护、新能源与可再生能源利用及转换、系统节能等方面的研究与教学工作。2008年获重庆大学博士学位,2009年特评为副教授,2010-2011年公派赴美国Boston University访问学者,2012年遴选为博士生导师,2014年被评为"重庆大学十佳优秀青年教师",2015年被评为"重庆大学先进工作者”。作为项目负责人主持国家自然科学基金2项,重庆市经信委科技计划项目、重庆市科技人才培养计划基金、重庆市自然科学基金、中国烟草总公司重庆市公司科技项目重点项目、中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金重点项目、中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金一般项目及重庆大学研究生创新基金项目各1项;作为主研人承担和完成国家自然科学基金、教育部科学技术研究重点项目及教育部博士点基金项目4项,重庆市自然科学基金及科技攻关项目5项,企业科研项目10余项。发表学术论文50余篇,其中SCI收录30余篇,他引200余次,获发明专利授权19项,重庆市科技进步三等奖1项,参编教材2部。国家自然科学基金评审人,《 Energy Conversion and Management》、《Applied Energy》、《Energy》、《International Journal of Hydrogen Energy》、《Fuel》、《 Applied Thermal Engineering》、《Journal of Membrane Science》、《中国电机工程学报》、《化工学报》等期刊审稿人。

1. 2010/10-2011/10,Boston University,机械工程系,访问学者

2. 2005/3–2008/6, 重庆大学,动力工程及工程热物理,博士

3. 2002/9–2004/12,重庆大学,热能工程,硕士

4. 1998/9–2002/6, 重庆大学,电厂热能动力,学士

  • 1. 催化燃烧及微能源动力系统;

  • 2. 新能源与可再生能源利用及转换

  • 3. 传热传质及其强化

  • 4. 系统能源优化及节能

  • 5. 气固多相流动与燃烧技术

  • 6. 烟气除尘、脱硫及污染控制技术




(1) 国家自然科学基金,基于温敏型水凝胶的高热流密度芯片用自适应散热仿生微流道热质快速

输运特性及机理研究,2018.1-2020.12,53 万元,在研,主持

(2) 重庆市科技计划项目重点产业共性关键技术创新专项,工业炉窑烟气主要污染物协同控制技术研究及示范应用,2016.10-2019.10,30万元,在研,主研


(1) 重庆市经信委科技计划项目,渝经信环资[2016]86号, “燃煤电厂供电标准煤耗限额及计算方法”重庆市地方标准制定,2016.10-2017.9,10万元,已结题,主持

(2) 中央高校基本科研业务费科研专项重点项目,CDJZR14145501,微型透氧膜反应器内热质耦合机制及甲烷化学链催化重整制氢特性,2014.5-2016.5,20 万元,已结题,主持

(3) 重庆市科技人才培养计划基金,cstc2013kjrc-qnrc90002,微型催化重整高效燃烧技术及其装置,2013.9-2016.9,8万元,已结题,主持

(4) 中国烟草总公司重庆市公司科技项目重点项目,NY20130501010010,重庆烟叶烘烤节能工艺研究与探索,2013.5-2015.9,80万元,已结题,主持

(5) 中央高校基本科研业务费科研专项面上项目,CDJZR10 140011,混合工业污泥热解与燃烧动力学机理及特性,2010.6-2013.5,7万元,已结题,主持

(6) 国家自然科学基金青年基金项目,50906103,微型燃烧器内强化换热及甲烷催化重整燃烧特性研究,2009.1-2012.12,20万元,已结题,主持

(7) 重庆大学高层次人才科研启动基金项目,No.0903005104717,工业污泥燃烧动力学及热解实验研究,2009.1-2011.12,2万元,已结题,主持

(8) 重庆市科委自然科学基金,No. CSTC,2007BB7181,工业污泥燃烧动力学机理及关键技术,2007.7-2009.6,2万元,已结题,主持

(9) 重庆大学研究生科技创新基金,200609Y1A0100169,基于MEMS技术的微型燃烧器结构优化及碳氢燃料预混催化重整燃烧基础研究,2006.9-2007.12,1万元,已结题,主持


(1) Yan Yunfei#,Yan YunfeiWu Gange,Huang WeipengZhang Li,et al.Numerical comparison study of methane catalytic combustion characteristic between newly proposed opposed counter-flow micro-combustor and the conventional ones,Energy,2019,403-410

(2) Li Haojie, Yan Yunfei#,Feng Shuai, et al.Hydrogen release mechanism and performance of ammonia borane catalyzed by transition metal catalysts Cu-Co/MgO(100),International Journal of Energy Research,2019.2,43:921-930

(3) Yan Yunfei#,Yan Hongyu,Yin Siyou, Zhang Li , et al. Single/multi-objective optimizations on hydraulic and thermal management in micro-channel heat sink with bionic Y-shaped fractal network by genetic algorithm coupled with numerical simulation, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2019.01,129:468~479

(4)  Yan Yunfei#, He Z, Xu Q, et al. Numerical study on premixed hydrogen/air combustion characteristics in micro–combustor with slits on both sides of the bluff body, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2019,44(3):1998-2012

(5) Yan Yunfei#,Yan Hongyu,et al. Thermodynamic analysis on reaction characteristics of the coupling steam, CO2 and O2 reforming of methane[J]. Journal of Energy Resources Technology, Transactions of the ASME, 2018.10, 140(10):0~102203.

(6) Yan Yunfei#, Yan H, Zhang L, et al. Numerical investigation on combustion characteristics of methane/air in a micro-combustor with a regular triangular pyramid bluff body[J]. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2018.04.12, 43(15):7581~7590.

(7) Yan Yunfei #,Li H, Li L, et al. Properties of methane auto thermal reforming to generate hydrogen in membrane reactor based on thermodynamic equilibrium model[J]. Chemical Engineering and Processing - Process Intensification, 2018.03, 125:311~317

(8)Yan YF#, Feng S, Zhang L, Li LX, Zhang L, Yang ZQ, Experimental Research on Catalytic Combustion Characteristics of Inferior Coal and Sludge Mixture. Journal of Energy Resources Technology. 2018,140(3): 032201-032206.

(9) Yunfei Yan#,Ying LiuHaojie Li, et al. Effect of cavity coupling factors of opposed counter-flow micro combustor on the methane-fueled catalytic combustion characteristics, Journal of Energy Resources Technology, Transactions of the ASME, 2018,141(2),022202.

(10) Yunfei Yan#, Shuai Feng,Zizhen Huang, Li Zhang, Wenli Pan, Zhongqing Yang. Thermal management and catalytic combustion stability characteristics of premixed methane/air in heat recirculation meso-combustors[J]. International Journal of Energy Research, 2018,42(3): 999–1012.

(11) Yunfei Yan#, Qingyun Xu,Weimin Tang,Qiao Huang, Li Zhang,Lixian Li,Zhongqing Yang.The Effect of Inlet Velocity on CH4 Catalytic Combustion Behavior with H2 Addition in a Microchannel Combustor[J], ENERGY TECHNOLEGY. 2017,5(8):1495-1506.

(12) Yunfei Yan#, Gange Wu, Li Zhang, Xin Wang, Lixian Li, Zhongqing Yang and Jing Ran, Characteristics of Combined Carbon Dioxide Reforming with Partial Oxidation of Methane to Produce Hydrogen in the Membrane Reactor[J]. International Journal of Energy Research, 2017,41(5):689-698.

(13) Yunfei Yan#, Yu Cui, Li Zhang, Lixian Li, Jie Zhang, Yanrong Chen, Qiang Tang, Changhai Lin, Experimental investigation of methane auto-thermal reforming in hydrogen-permeable membrane reactor for pure hydrogen production[J]. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2016,41(30):13069-13076.

(14) Yunfei Yan#, Haibo Wang, Wenli Pan, Li Zhang, Lixian Li, Zhongqing Yang, Changhai Lin,Numerical study of effect of wall parameters on catalytic combustion characteristics of CH4/air in a heat recirculation micro-combustor[J]. Energy Conversion and Management, 2016,118:474–484.

(15) Yunfei Yan#, Weipeng Huang, Weimin Tang, Li Zhang, Lixian Li, Jing Ran, Zhongqing Yang,Numerical study on catalytic combustion and extinction characteristics of pre-mixed methane-air in micro flatbed channel under different parameters of operation and wall[J]. Fuel, 2016,180:657-667.

(16) Yan, Yunfei#,Zhang, Zhien,Zhang, Li,Wang, Junlei,Li, Jinsheng,Ju,Shunxiang,Modeling of CO2 Separation from Flue Gas by Methyldiethanolamine and 2-(1-Piperazinyl)-Ethylamine in Membrane Contactors: Effect of Gas and Liquid Parameters[J]. Journal of Energy Engineering,2015,141(4):4014034-4014039.

(17) Yunfei Yan#,Wenli Pan,Li Zhang,Weimin Tang,Yanrong Chen,Lixian Li, Numerical study of the geometrical parameters on CH4/air premixed combustion in heat recirculation micro-combustor[J]. Fuel, 2015,159:45-51.

(18) 闫云飞#,张智恩,晏水平,鞠顺祥,张力,张继广,中空纤维膜结构对脱除烟气中CO2影响的数值研究,高校化学工程学报,2015,(02):452-457.

(19) Yunfei Yan#,Zhien Zhang,Li Zhang,Xin Wang,Ke Liu,Zhongqing Yang, Investigation of autothermal reforming of methane for hydrogen production in a spiral multi-cylinder micro-reactor used for mobile fuel cell[J]. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2015,40(4):1886-1893.

(20) Zhang, Zhien,Yan, Yunfei#,Wood, David A.,Zhang, Wenxiang,Li, Lixian,Zhang, Li,Van der Bruggen, Bart,Influence of the Membrane Module Geometry on SO2 Removal: A Numerical Study,Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2015, 54(46): 11619-11627.

(21) Zhang, Zhien,Yan, Yunfei#,Zhang, Li,Chen, Yuanxin,Ran, Jgyuin,Pu, Ge,Qin, Changlei,Theoretical study on CO2 absorption from biogas by membrane contactors: Effect of operating parameters,Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research, 2014, 53(36):14075-14083.

(22) Zhang, Zhien,Yan, Yunfei#,Chen, Yuanxin,Zhang, Li,Investigation of CO2 absorption in methyldiethanolamine and 2-(1-piperazinyl)-ethylamine using hollow fiber membrane contactors: Part C. Effect of operating variables,Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, 2014, 20: 58-66.

(23) Zhien Zhang, Yan, Yunfei#, Li Zhang,Yanrong Chen,Shunxiang Ju,CFD investigation of CO2 capture by methyldiethanolamine and 2-(1-piperazinyl)-ethylamine in membranes: Part B. Effect of membrane properties, Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, 2014, 19:311-316.

(24) Zhang, Z. E., Yan, Y. F.#, Zhang, L., Ju, S. X.,Hollow fiber membrane contactor absorpyion of  CO2 from the flue gas: Review And Perspective, Global Nest Journal, 2014, 16(2): 354-373.

(25) Zhang, Zhien, Yan, Yunfei#, Zhang, Li, Ju, Shunxiang,Numerical simulation and analysis of CO2 removal in a polypropylene hollow fiber membrane contactor,International Journal of Chemical Engineering ,2014.

(26) Yunfei Yan#,Weimin Tang,Li Zhang,Wenli Pan,Liya Li, Thermal and chemical effects of hydrogen addition on catalytic micro-combustion of methane–air[J]. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2014, 39 (33): 19204-19211.

(27) Yan, Yunfei#,Zhang, Zhien,Zhang, Li,Chen, Yanrong,Tang, Qiang,Dynamic Modeling of Biogas Upgrading in Hollow Fiber Membrane Contactors[J]. Energy & Fuels, 2014, 28(9): 5745-5755.

(28) Yan, Yunfei#,Tang, Weimin,Zhang, Li,Zhang, Xin,Niu, Lixiang,Liu, Ke,Zhu, Junchen, Numerical investigation of components influence on characteristics of autothermal reforming of methane in micro premix chamber[J]. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2014, 39(22): 11583-11591.

(29) Yan, Yunfei#,Guo, Hongliang,Zhang, Li,Zhu, Junchen,Yang, Zhongqing,Tang, Qiang,Ji, Xin, Effect of Catalytic Cylinders on Autothermal Reforming of Methane for Hydrogen Production in a Microchamber Reactor[J].The Scientific World Journal, 2014(17):451919.

(30) Yan, Y. F. #, Zhang, Z. E., Zhang, L.,Zhang, L., Influence of coal properties on the co-combustion characteristics of low-grade coal and city mud, Global Nest Journal,2014, 16(2): 329-338.

(31) 闫云飞#,张智恩,张力,鞠顺祥,中空纤维膜吸收烟气中CO2的研究进展,天然气工业,2014,(01):114-123.

(32) Yan Y F#, Tang W M, Zhang L, Pan W L, Yang Z Q, Chen Y R, Lin J Y. Numerical simulation of the effect of hydrogen addition fraction on catalytic micro-combustion characteristics of methane-air[J]. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2014, 39 (4):1864-1873.

(33) Yan, Yunfei#,Zhang, Li,Pan, WenLi,Pu, Ge,Experimental Investigation of Atomizing Performance of Low Pressure Swirl Nozzle, Advances in Mechanical Engineering, 2014, 2014:782064-782073.

(34) 闫云飞#,王鑫,张力,甲烷临氧耦合CO2重整特性的热力学分析,中国电机工程学报, 2014, 34(02):279-287.

(35) Yunfei Yan#, Wenli Pan, Li Zhang, et al. Numerical study on combustion characteristics of hydrogen addition into methane-air mixture[J]. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2013, 38(30):13463-13470.

(36) Yunfei Yan#, Jie Zhang, Li Zhang, Properties of thermodynamic equilibrium-based Methane autothermal reforming to generate hydrogen[J]. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2013, 38(35):15744-15750.

(37) Yan, Yun-Fei#,Zhang, Lei,Zhang, Li,Lei, Qiang,Zhang, Jie,Influence of oxygen concentration on combustion characteristics of inferior coal and sludge mixture,Journal of Fuel Chemistry and Technology, 2013, 41(4):430-435.

(38) 闫云飞#, 张力, 牛立祥, 冉景煜, 涂维峰. 微环形腔内有氧条件下CH4/H2O/CO2催化重整反应特性数值研究, 航空动力学报, 2012, 27(3):551-559.

(39) 闫云飞#, 张力, 李丽仙, 唐强. 膜催化反应器及其制氢技术的研究进展, 无机材料学报, 2011, 26(12): 1233-1243.


(1) 闫红雨,黄子真,闫云飞#,郭红艳,冯帅,张力,陈艳容,微型凹腔燃烧室进气方式对CH4催化燃烧特性的影响[C],2017年中国工程热物理学会多相流学术年会,扬州,2017.9.8-2017.9.11.

(2) 吴刚娥,闫云飞#,冯帅,张力,杨仲卿,冉景煜,陈艳容,内嵌多孔介质的回热微燃烧器内甲烷预混燃烧特性数值研究[C],2016年中国工程热物理学会燃烧学学术会议,马鞍山,2016.10.22-2016.10.23.

(3) Yunfei Yan#, Shuai Feng, Hongyan Guo, Li Zhang, Lixian Li, Jie Zhang, Yanrong Chen, Zhongqing Yang, Jingyu Ran.Theoretical and experimental research of the characteristics of methane auto-thermal reforming to generate hydrogen,5th  International Conference on Renewable Energy and  Environment Conference(IREEC-2016), 11-13 July 2016, Madrid, Spain.

(4) Zhang, Zhien,Yan, Yunfei#,Wang, Junlei,Zhang, Li,Chen, Yanrong,Ju, Shunxiang,Analysis of CO2 capture from power-plant flue gas using the membrane gas absorption (MGA) method,ASME 2015 Power Conference, POWER 2015, collocated with the ASME 2015 9th International Conference on Energy Sustainability, the ASME 2015 13th International Conference on Fuel Cell Science, Engineering and Technology, and the ASME 2015 Nuclear Forum, 2015.6.28-2015.7.2.

(5) 闫云飞#,冯帅,张力,陈艳容,杨仲卿,入口流速对微燃烧器内甲烷/空气催化燃烧稳燃极限的影响及熄火机理分析,2015年中国工程热物理学会多相流学术年会,南京,2015.11.13-2015.11.16。

(6) 闫云飞#,潘文丽,张力,唐玮旻,李立亚,平板型回热超焓燃烧器内甲烷催化燃烧的稳燃及燃烧特性,2014年中国工程热物理学会燃烧学学术会议,西安,2014.11.1- 2014. 11.2。

(7) 闫云飞#, 张智恩,张力,鞠顺祥,张继广,中空纤维膜结构对脱除烟气中CO2影响的数值模拟[C],2013年工程热物理学会燃烧学学术会议,重庆,2013.11.8-10。

(8) Yunfei Yan#, Jie ZHANG, Li ZHANG. Properties of Thermodynamic Equilibrium-based Methane Autothermal Reforming to Generate Hydrogen[C].The 2012 Asian Biohydrogen and Bioproducts Symposium (ABBS), Chongqing,2012.11.9-12.

(9) Li ZHANG, Yan, Yunfei#, Zhiwei SUN, Zhongqing YANG,  Qiang TANG. Numerical Analysis on the Characteristics of Carbon Deposition of Catalytic Partial Oxidation of Methane in Micro-Chamber[C], The 7thInternational Symposium on Multiphase Flow, Heat Mass Transfer and Energy Conversion (ISMF2012),2012/10/26-30, XI’AN.

(10) Yunfei Yan#, Li ZHANG, Jingyu RAN, Jie ZHANG. Influence of the Structure of Micro Premixing Chamber on the Uniformity of Flow Distribution and Premixing Characteristics [C].Proceedings of the ASME 2011 Power Conference, July 12-14, 2011, Denver, Colorado, USA.

(11) 闫云飞#,刘科,张力, 微反应器内甲烷自热重整反应特性的数值研究[C],2011年中国工程热物理学会燃烧学学术会议,杭州,2011.11.27-30.

(12) 闫云飞#, 张力, 牛立祥, 冉景煜, 涂维峰,微型预混重整腔内有氧条件下CH4/H2O/CO2催化重整反应特性研究[C],2010年中国工程热物理学会多相流学术会议,厦门,2010.11.26-28.


(1) 闫云飞,冯帅,杨仲卿,张力,闫红雨,唐强,蒲舸,冉景煜.等.一种采用浓淡粗细深度分离及可控涡稳燃技术燃烧煤气化半焦颗粒的方法,发明专利,授权,中国,ZL201611101443.5

(3) 闫云飞,郭红艳,崔宇,冯帅,李龙,许卿云,张力,等. 基于空气分级反向射流技术的双凹腔火焰稳定燃烧装置,发明专利,授权,中国,ZL201610330834.8

(3)  闫云飞吴刚娥尹昊文张力翟越冯帅蒲舸杨仲卿唐强陈艳容冉景煜丁林,一种燃烧室渐缩的微型回热弥散式均匀燃烧装置,发明专利,授权,2018.2.27-2038.2.27, 中国,ZL201511014550.X。

(4) 闫云飞吴刚娥尹昊文张力翟越冯帅蒲舸杨仲卿唐强陈艳容冉景煜丁林,一种用于微热光电系统的微型弥散式燃烧装置,发明专利,授权,2017.9.26-2037.9.26, 中国,ZL201511014542.5。

 (5) 闫云飞闫红雨李龙张力冯帅蒲舸冉景煜唐强陈艳容杨仲卿秦昌雷丁林杜学森,一种具有余热回收污染零排放的密集型烤房,发明专利,授权,2017.11.21-2037.11.21, 中国,ZL201610913522.X。

(6) 闫云飞张力陈艳容朱军臣杨仲卿冉景煜,一种具有透氢稳燃功能的V形缝隙式半球形钝体微燃烧器,发明专利,授权,2016.2.3-2036.2.3, 中国,ZL201410063494.8。

(7) 闫云飞张力吴树成李龙黄侨张永华蒲舸郭宏亮杨仲卿唐强刘成荣陈艳容冉景煜,一种具有V型细缝的梯形炉排热风炉,发明专利,授权,2017.1.25-2037.1.25,中国,ZL 201410580848.6。

(8) 闫云飞吴树成张力胡德江李龙张永华蒲舸郭宏亮左万琦冉景煜唐强陈艳容杨仲卿,一种具有倾斜式双层炉排的烤房燃烧室,发明专利,授权,2016.3.9-2036.3.9,中国,ZL201410282266.X。

(9) 闫云飞张力吴树成李龙黄侨张永华蒲舸郭宏亮杨仲卿唐强刘成荣陈艳容冉景煜,一种具有V型细缝的梯形炉排及自动加煤的热风炉,发明专利,授权,2016.8.24-2036.8.24,中国,ZL201410580606.7。

(10) 闫云飞张力陈艳容崔宇吴树成杨仲卿李龙郭宏亮张永华蒲舸唐强冉景煜,一种烟草秸秆生物质型煤及其制备方法,发明专利,授权,2016.9.21-2036.9.21,中国,ZL201410823550.3。

(11) 吴树成闫云飞张力郭宏亮李龙张永华刘成荣杨仲卿李绍德左万琦蒲舸唐强陈艳容冉景煜. 三段六步式密集烤烟房燃煤节能烘烤方法,发明专利,授权,2016.1.20-2036.1.20,中国,ZL201410676212.1。

(12) 闫云飞,张力,黄侨,吴刚娥,吴树成,李龙,杨仲卿,张永华,蒲舸,郭宏亮,刘成荣,唐强,陈艳容,冉景煜,具有均匀送风的节能型气流下降式密集烤房,发明专利,授权,2015.2.18-2034.2.28,中国,ZL201410585848.5。

(13) 闫云飞,张力,黄侨,吴刚娥,吴树成,李龙,杨仲卿,张永华,蒲舸,郭宏亮,刘成荣,唐强,陈艳容,冉景煜,具有均匀送风的节能型气流上升式密集烤房,发明专利,授权,2015.10.28-2034.10.28,中国,ZL201410585849.X

(14) 闫云飞,吴树成,张力,李龙,张永华,左万琦,蒲舸,李绍德,冉景煜,刘成荣,唐强,基于高低温分段换热的列管、蓄热式组合换热器,发明专利,授权,2014.4.9-2034.1.8,中国,ZL201410008080.5。

(15) 闫云飞, 张力张智恩鞠顺祥杨仲卿陈艳容唐强冉景煜蒲舸,一种中空纤维疏水膜高效脱除烟气中CO2的方法,发明专利,授权,2015.11.4-2035.11.4,中国,ZL201310029021.1


(17) 闫云飞,张力,陈艳容,朱军臣,杨仲卿,冉景煜,旋流预混蓄热式微型催化燃烧反应器,发明专利,授权,2015.7.15-2035.7.15,中国,ZL201310587858.8。

(18) 闫云飞,张力,孙志伟,冉景煜,蒲舸,唐强,一种耦合强弱放热的分级催化燃烧装置,发明专利,授权,2012.6.6-2032.6.6,中国,ZL201110067690.9。

(19) 闫云飞,张力,刘科,冉景煜,蒲舸,张磊,多层复合式微型催化重整反应器,发明专利,授权,2013.7.31-2033.7.31,中国,ZL201110067706.6。



(2) 《工程燃烧学》,中国电力出版社,2014


(1) 冉景煜、王裕明、张力、蒲舸、唐强、张海英、闫云飞,劣质固体燃料清洁高效燃烧与能源转换利用技术,重庆市科技进步三等奖,2014.
